
Some of my favorite gardeners online:

Urban Organic Gardener - http://www.urbanorganicgardener.com/
Life on the Balcony - http://lifeonthebalcony.com/
Vertical Veg - http://www.verticalveg.org.uk/
The aerial edible garden & other urban adventures - http://aerialediblegardening.wordpress.com/

To help you start and plan your own vegetable garden:

smart gardener fresh - http://blog.smartgardener.com/

Still missing veggies for dinner for the week? Order some! Try:

Info about community-supported agriculture or CSA - http://www.localharvest.org/csa/
Biokiste (Germany) - http://biokiste-hamburg.de/biokisten
Hoflieferant (Germany) - http://www.bio-hoflieferant.de/

Need supplies?

Burpee's Seeds - http://www.burpee.com/
Stein's Garden & Gifts - http://www.steingg.com/
Dehner (Germany) - http://www.dehner.de/garten.html
Max Bahr (Germany) - http://www.maxbahr.de/

...or tips?

HGTV gardening blog - http://blog.hgtvgardens.com/
Better Homes & Gardens (incl. planning, plant info, regional tips, etc.) - http://www.bhg.com/gardening/

Follow other gardeners and their findings on Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/all/?category=gardening
Check out what other gardeners are saying on Twitter: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23gardening&src=typd

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