Monday, February 18, 2013

Germination Charts for Outdoor Planting

Mid-February means you really can start planning your garden ordering seeds!

I know how easy it is to get the itch to get planting, too - I also have fallen into the trap of starting plants too early indoors and had them get too long, leggy, and pale before it was warm enough to get them out! Talk about Spring fever!

Make sure to check your seed packages to determine when to start your seeds indoors, most packages do mention a time span on the back.

For those who are planning on starting their seeds directly in the outdoors, I've found these 2 lovely charts to guide you - they provide an overview of which seeds will germinate in what amount of time at what temperature. Handy!

Here's another one split up by temperature:
A big thanks to Roots Nursery for these charts! Check out their website or like them on Facebook!

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