Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy V-Day!

Red Beet Heart Stamp
Happy Valentine's Day to all the vegetable lovers out there! And a Happy Vegetable Day to my readers, ha!

As you can see there, vegetables are not only edible put can be made into cute crafts, like this red beet heart stamp I made for the occasion of the day!

  1. cut the beet approx. in half (depending how big you want the heart to be), then
  2. carve a heart shape on the surface with the tip of a small knife, then
  3. carve off the outer part from the skin to the heart cuts, allowing the extra to fall off so only the heart is left protruding
  4. make sure to cut deep enough so that the heart sticks up far enough, otherwise you will get a ring around the heart when you stamp
  5. just stamp the heart down on a piece of paper! if it gets too dry, dab with a few drops of water, or cut off a thin layer to get at the juice on the inside!
  6. Enjoy and be creative!
Great for those who want to make their own personalized Valentine's Day cards, and even better if that special someone loves veggies as much as you do!

Have a great day and share the love!

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