Friday, March 22, 2013

Mystery Vegetable: Napa Cabbage

Napa Cabbage
Another semi-mystery vegetable has been arriving in my CSA-box off and on for the past few weeks. Having never seen this particular kind in the store or having never purchased it before, I had an idea what it would be like just based on the texture, which is interesting!

Napa Cabbage
The Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis, also known as the celery or napa cabbage, is known here in Germany as "china cabbage", which is not entirely false - this vegetable does originate from China and is popular in Chinese cuisine. This is apparently also the main ingredient of the famous spicy Korean side dish, kimchi (which I didn't know!).

It has a very light green color, and a sort of rubbery texture, a bit like kale, but is still soft like white cabbage when cooked, even a bit more delicate, perhaps. It has a fairly mild taste, so it absorbs the flavors of whatever are being cooked with it well. This one fries great, and it particularly enjoyable cut up and fried with some onion and ground beef in a skillet. Fast, easy, and healthy!

And according to Wikipedia, this veggie is a sign of prosperity in China, so eat up and you will at least be considered rich! :)

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